1. Submit documents to Account Management Office (formerly I-CARE)
  2. Pay the fees
  3. Renew application yearly




  1. Certificate of Import Clearance from DOE-REMB
  2. Certificate of Import Authority from DTI-BOI
  3. New Application - Importer
    1. Application Form
    2. BIR Importer Clearance Certificate (BIR-ICC) as per Revenue Memo Order 10-2014 and amendments per Revenue Memo Orders 33-2014, 1-2015, and 56-2016
    3. List of importables with clear description in both technical and tariff terms as provided in existing rules and regulation including the estimated volume and values for the incoming 12 months. In case the list of importables includes regulated items, the corresponding accreditation/license/permit from the government agency concerned shall also be submitted.
    4. Sworn Undertaking to accept notice electronic mail and to strictly abide with existing rules and regulations on the Statement of Full Description of Imported Articles covered by entry declarations
    5. Corporate Secretary Certificate or Special Power of Attorney for Designated Signatories (with sample original signatures) in the import entries
    6. For sole proprietorships, original copy of NBI Clearance issued within the last 3 months prior to the date of application for accreditation.
    7. In case of corporations, the responsible officers and majority stockholders shall also submit the original copy of the NBI clearance.
    8. For new individual applicants, bank statement for the last 3 months prior to the date of application for accreditation, when applicable.
    9. Two valid government IDs with picture, i.e. passport, driver’s license, SSS, GSIS ID only
    10. Printed Client Profile Registration System (CPRS) Application profile of applicant


  1. New Application - Brokers
  2. Application Form
  3. BIR Customs Broker Clearance Certificate (BIR-BCC) as per Revenue Memo Order 10-2014 and amendments per Revenue Memo Orders 33-2014, 1-2015, and 56-2016
  4. Sworn Undertaking to accept notice electronic mail and to strictly abide with existing rules and regulations on the Statement of Full Description of Imported Articles covered by entry declarations
  5. Sample Original Signature
  6. Sworn Undertaking that the broker has actual knowledge of the contents of the declaration and attests to its truthfulness


  1. Renewal of Accreditation
    1. No-material changes in the information previously submitted
    2. Affidavit of No Change of Circumstance (in case there are no material changes in the applicant’s data and circumstances as appearing in the previous accreditation)
    3. Current Mayor’s Permit and Barangay Clearance (Duly certified by the issuing agency)
    4. Material changes in the information previously submitted
    5. Affidavit of Change of Circumstance stating particularly the facts constituting the material changes; and
    6. Documents in support thereof


  1. Every Importation:
    1. Import entry and Internal Revenue Declaration (BOC Form No. 236)
    2. Bill of Lading
    3. Commercial Invoice
    4. Packing List
    5. Supplemental Declaration on Valuation (SDV)
    6. Load Port Survey Report – for bulk cargo, issued abroad by accredited surveyors
    7. Electronic copy of the Import Entry Declaration – for shipments under letter of credit
    8. Import Permit – for regulated shipments/controlled commodities
    9. BIT – Authority Release Imported Goods (ATRIG) – for shipments subject to excise tax/exempted from VAT




New Application – Php 1,000.00

Renewal               -             500.00


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