1. Download and accomplish application forms
  2. File the application and all necessary documents (refer to Section II below)
  3. Pay the required fees (see Section III below)
  4. Visit http://www.erc.gov.ph/ for more information and guidance
  5. Obtain the Certificate of Compliance



A.       Certificate of Compliance for Generation Companies and Entities with Generation Facilities:

a.       General Requirements:

                                                               i.      Accomplished Application Form (Form No. 1);

                                                              ii.      Accomplished Company Profile (Form No. 2); and

                                                            iii.      Three (3) year Operational History (COC Form No. 3), if applicable.

b.       Technical Qualification:

                                                               i.      Sworn Statement that each of the Facilities will comply with the Philippine Grid Code (PGC) and the Philippine Distribution Code (PDC) for the duration of the COC (Form No. 4);

                                                              ii.      Sworn Statement that the company and its generating facilities comply with and will comply with the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Rules and Manuals for the duration of the COC, upon its registration with WESM, when applicable (Form No. 5);

                                                            iii.      Management Contracts in force, when applicable;

                                                            iv.      General Plant Description (Form No. 7);

                                                              v.      Location Map;

                                                            vi.      Connection Agreement between the Grid Owner (TRANSCO) and the Existing Generation Facility of Interconnection plans/details with the high voltage backbone transmission system/grid of Distribution System (for Embedded Generators) and/or Transmission/Distribution Use of System Agreement, if available;

                                                           vii.      Philippine Grid Distribution Code Requirements:

1.       Electrical Mechanical Plans and Diagrams;

2.       Plant Specifications such as minimum stable load, maximum stable load, ramp up rate and ramp down rate, including plant efficiency and heat rate, if applicable;

3.       Technical Description of the Load to be served (for those in isolated areas and    those serving dedicated loads);

4.       Safety Rules/Guidelines;

5.       WESM membership, if applicable; and

6.       Details of its Communication and SCADA Requirements, if applicable.

c.        Financial Capability:

                                                               i.      Audited financial statements for the two (2) most recent twelve (12) months period, if available;

                                                              ii.      Schedule of liabilities, to include the following information: name of creditor, type of credit, credit terms;

                                                            iii.      5-year financial plan; and

                                                            iv.      Documentation on financial track record of the Generation Company and its principal stockholder, if available.

d.       Ownership/Control:

                                                               i.      Articles of Incorporation/Partnership (for Corporation/Partnership) with Certificate of Registration;

                                                              ii.      Business Name Registration Certificate (for Single Proprietorship);

                                                            iii.      Updated listing of its Board of Directors and Senior Officials down to the level of Plant Managers;

                                                            iv.      Complete list of Board of Directors and Senior Officials down to the level of Plant Managers;

                                                              v.      Type of long term debt and equity instrument, including amount and proportion to total capitalization;

                                                            vi.      Sworn Statement that the company complies with and will continue to comply with the provisions on cross ownership and market share restrictions under Republic Act No. 9136, its implementing Rules and Regulations, and these Revised Rules for the duration of the COC (Form No. 6);

                                                           vii.      Comprehensive and complete listing of Affiliates and Related Groups, including ownership and management structure; and

                                                         viii.      PSE Certificate to the effect that they are listed with PSE, when applicable.

e.       Other Requirements:

                                                               i.      Power Supply Agreements, if applicable;

                                                              ii.      Memorandum of Agreement on the Establishment of Trust Accounts by the Generation Company and/or Energy Resource Developer and the Department of Energy on Benefits to Host Communities pursuant to Rule 29 of the IRR of R.A. 9136;

                                                            iii.      Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) duly approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR);

                                                            iv.      Department of Energy (DOE) Endorsement indicating that the Power Plant Project is consistent with the Power Development program of the Government or with the Missionary Electrification Development Plan (MEDP) for power plant project located in isolated grids; and

                                                              v.      Such other information or document/s that ERC may require.




Certificate of Compliance

  1. Application Fee Php 10,000.00


  1. Technical Evaluation         Actual cost


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