1. Download the following forms
    1. Application as Direct WESM Member
    2. Market Participation Agreement (MPA) for Direct WESM Member
    3. Settlement Information Sheet (SIS)
    4. Digital Certificate (DC) Service Request Form
    5. Signed Supplement to DC Terms and Conditions
    6. WESM Contact Information Sheet
    7. WESM Compliance Officer (WCO) Forms 1 and 2
  2. Accomplish forms and file application at PEMC
  3. Submit all necessary documents (see Section II below)
  4. Pay the required fees (see Section III below)
  5. Visit wesm.ph for more information and guidance



  1. Application Form
  2. Market Participation Agreement (MPA) for Direct WESM Member
  3. SEC Certificate of Registration, Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws
  4. RE Service/Operating Contract and Certificate of Endorsement from DOE-REMB
  5. Secretary’s Certificate / Board Resolution authorizing / confirming the participation as Direct WESM Member with the designation of signatories and main contact person/s in the WESM
  6. Settlement Information Sheet (SIS)
  7. Secretary’s Certificate/Board Resolution for the SIS authorizing / confirming the bank details and billing / settlement contact person/s for collection and payment transactions in the WESM
  8. Certification of tax exemption and/or registration under BOI or Special Laws (PEZA, SBMA, etc.)
  9. Proof of Prudential Security (Letter of Credit, Surety Bond, Bank Guarantee, Guarantee by other institutions, Cash deposit)
  10. ERC Certificate of Compliance with Terms and Conditions
  11. ERC Certification on Technical Plant Specifications
  12. Transmission Service Agreement with NGCP
  13. Metering Service Agreement with NGCP
  14. Interconnection Agreement with the DU the Facility is embedded to / Metered Data Exchange Format from DU/EC
  15. Digital Certificate (DC) Service Request Form
  16. Signed Supplement to DC Terms and Conditions
  17. WESM Contact Information Sheet
  18. WESM Compliance Officer (WCO) Forms 1 and 2
  19. Metering documents:
    1. Metering Installation Registration Form/s
    2. Single-line Diagram
    3. Three-line Diagram
    4. ERC Certification of Meter Test Results
    5. Test and Calibration Reports of Instrument Transformers and Meters



Registration fee in the WESM covers also the DC installation fee (first DC) and training fee for twenty (20) slots for Basic WESM Training

  • Php 56,000 inclusive of VAT
  • Php 50,000 for non-VATable entities


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